Flight Controller F405-TE

STM32F405RGT6, ICM42688P, SPL06, OSD, SD slot, 6x UARTs, 1x I2C, 11x PWM outputs


Recently we have noticed that there are fake F405-TE on market.  If you are unsure if the F405-TE you purchased is genuine,  you can send some high res photos of both sides of the flight controller board to service@mateksys.com. We will check out it for you.

Please purchase our products from authorized dealers https://www.mateksys.com/?page_id=1212


INAV, DSHOT can not work on S3, S5,S7 because of DMA clash,  pls use ONESHOT or MULTISHOT and calibrate ESC PWM range.

This DMA clash will be fixed from INAV 7.x.x.

BetaFlight,  set dshot_bitbang = ON  when using X6 and X8 DSHOT.

BetaFlight, Target name was renamed as MatekF405TE_SD

ArduPilot,  set LOG_BACKEND_TYPE = 1 (File) for SD card logging